Employee Owned
Boettcher Supply is 100 % employee-owned. The Boettcher family is committed to providing our customers with excellence across the board on every level. Because our employees have a vested interest in the success of our company they have a vested interest in your satisfaction. This ensures that every single customer, big or small, receives the best service and our full attention every time.
Our History
The key to longevity in any industry is to remain fluid and make the most of any opportunities, a lesson the Boettcher Supply family knows well. Boettcher Supply began like most successful businesses, with a dream and a willingness to work hard to achieve it. Unlike most other success stories, this dream also began with a Model T Ford full of cantaloupe.
25-year old Harold Boettcher, then working as a mechanic in the town of Solomon, wanted to move his family somewhere with more opportunities. At the urging of local newspaper owner C.W. Hamilton, Harold decided to check out the City of Beloit. Since it was in season, he filled his car with cantaloupe and traveled to Beloit, selling the cantaloupe to finance the trip. Liking what he saw, Harold returned to Solomon, packed up his family and all their belongings and moved to Beloit on November 1, 1937.
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